After much hoping and praying to go into labor on my own over the weekend, we finally checked into Paoli Hospital for the induction at 8 pm on Sunday, July 20th. The nurse was all ready for us, and we got checked in and settled into the room right away- it was super quiet on the floor, which was nice. I got hooked up to the monitors right away and was told I couldn't pee for the next few hours- what a nice thing to tell a pregnant woman! Dr. Marlino inserted the cervadil around 9:30 pm and we were able to relax. Rich had to run home to get his glasses, and since I couldn't eat anything but clear liquids, he brought me back some sorbet. Tried to get some sleep around midnight and was able to doze off and on, however uncomfortable I was...At 2:30 am I felt a gush of fluid, and immediately was mortified thinking I peed myself. Fantastic! Turns out my water broke on its own (which the nurse assured me VERY rarely happens and she seemed really excited about). So I was excited too, until I found it I had to keep in the Cervadil and lay there all night, with my water gushing about once an hour, to which I had to get up, get changed, and then get back in bed. So basically no sleep all night (though Rich sure looked cozy on the chair next to me- thank god one of us got some sleep!!)
At 6 am, the cervadil came out, and then I got to shower. What a disappointment. I was SO looking forward to a nice HOT shower. Well I couldn't get the water to heat up! I was SO frustrated I almost started crying over the stupid lukewarm shower, but I just hurried up and got out of there. (Fast forward to hours later, after delivery when I realized I had the nozzle turned the wrong way- what a moron :)! Right after the shower I realized labor had begun, I was pacing the floor with contractions, starting to become more painful, but not too bad. The doctor came in to check me, and surprise, surprise, I was about 80% effaced and still only 1 cm. Yay cervix. The pitocin drip started at 7:50 and by 8:30 the contractions started to come on stronger- Rich jumped into coach mode and got me through the REALLY annoying ones that were on top of another, like 3 every 60 seconds. At 9:15 Dr. Anthopolous (my OB actually turned out to be the one on duty!) came in to check and I was 2 centimeters. I had been denying pain relief for the last hour, and he said, well you can go ahead and get the epidural if you'd like. I looked at Rich and just said- "Let's do it"!
So by 9:45 I think the Epi was in (after MANY painful contractions hunched over the bed waiting for the needle where I thought I couldn't take anymore). Then we just chilled out and I tried to rest- I was EXHAUSTED. Here's the fun part- 11:30 Dr. A arrives for a check, and lo and behold- 8 CM!!! We were absolutely shocked. I thought for sure he was going to say 3! He said "Looks like we are going to have this baby before lunch", and Rich started to get really excited. Huge smile on his face and we were ready to go. Five minutes later, he had to call the nurses back in bc I was feeling a ton of pressure, in they came with the doc and the next thing I knew were pushing! Three contractions and about 7 minutes later, Rich got to announce "It's a boy!!" Little Richard Joseph Dunn, Jr. weighed in at 8 lbs, 8 oz, and 21 3/4 inches- EXACTLY the same measurements as his sister! He definitely looks like her, but she had bigger cheeks, he is more long and skinny, with super long feet and toes. Perfect in every way :)
We could not believe how quickly it happened, and how little time I was in pain. I only had 3 stitches, and I was able to shower on my own right away (with HOT water this time). I felt really good, our little boy latched on like a champ right away and we had a great day enjoying him. I can't even count the number of times Rich drove back and forth from the hospital to the house those few days. My sister Erin stayed with Reilly from Sunday to Tuesday and Reilly was loving the time with her big cousin Kennedy. Rich was doing double duty, making sure they were okay with Reilly and we had what we needed. It was an exhausting few days for him, and he really took care of everything. My mother in law arrived Tuesday morning and will be here for 2 weeks- it is a godsend! We could never do this just the 2 of us.
Reilly is adjusting, she seems to really like her little brother, though she is having a hard time sharing Mommy. I'm sure that will get easier. Rich and I are exhausted, but loving our little boy and managing through it. Rich goes back to work Monday, and I worry about how he will do with the lack of sleep. He is such an amazing Dad and husband, and has done everything this week to care of us and make me happy. If he never has to go to the grocery store again it will be too soon :)
So that is our story, and there will be much more to tell. For now, here are some pictures of our little man and his proud bis sister the princess...Oh, and the pciture of the giant Chick that was my focal point through labor- what a weird thing to have a giant picture of in a delivery room, huh?

YAY! Congratulations! He is gorgeous!!
Joy!! Yeah!! SO excited for you! I loved reading your birth story. I have been thinking about you for the last two weeks wondering if were still pregnant?!?! :)
Great story, congrats!!! Where's your hubby's family from? I have Dunn in my family tree...
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