I thought I would be able to keep the blog up and track every day of R.J.'s life...RIGHT. Not a chance, but now it's finally getting easier and he can sit for a bit without needing to constantly be nursing. Today is the first really cool fall day, so even though it's sunny out, we are staying in and keeping busy. Rich is out of town for the weekend, so it's just the 3 musketeers! We've had a great day so far- went to a craft show this morning, got some cookies, then Angela came over and sat with RJ so reilly and I could do something fun. We went to varner's tree farm and had a blast! She did the corn mazes and the wagon pull, saw the animals and we shared a hot dog and some apple cider :) She is such a big girl! Right now I am watching her parade around in her ballerina skirt from gymboree and sing along with pinky dinky doo. R.J. is hanging out in his Snack-o-Lantern halloween outfit and gazing adoringly at his big sister. I think he is in love with both of us the way he looks at us!
So will be 3 months on Tuesday...not quite sleeping through the night yet unfortunately. Still gets up some nights at 2 and 5, although he does sleep through until 5 some nights as well. Then he usually goes down again until about 7:30. reilly is still sleeping like a champ of course. Bedtime with him has been rough- like a marathon followed by a wrestling match! Some nights it takes us an hour and a half to get him to sleep. Rich and I take turns on rocking him- he fights sleep like a little wrestler- literally. It's hysterical. Some nights it's gas keeping him awake, but mostly just fighting sleep. I don't have him on a nap routine yet, though I am trying. It is really hard with Reilly bc I don't want to sacrafice her being able to have fun and do activities, but I am struggling with him not on a regular schedule.
Reilly is still obsessed with Dora, shockingly we are watching it as I type. It's going to be a looonnnngggg winter!! Here's some pic of them yesterday...
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