As far as progress at home, the nursery is ready to go! Rich worked so hard on it all week, and it looks great. Shelves and darkening blind up, crib and changing table in there. Diapers are all stacked the the cabinet, and clothes in the drawer. We just have to move the rocker in and we are good to go! We are "decorating" after the baby gets here so we can do pink or blue, so we don't have the bedding set or curtains or anything yet...Reilly's room looks so cute too- like a big girl room :) We ordered her toy box and that will come next week. And for her "big sister" gift, she got a cute step-stool with her name on it that matches her piggy bank and wall hanger...I pick it up this week. AND she got a potty :) What a big girl! I of course can't stop shopping, so the new baby got a new blanket for the hospital and some lightweight swaddle and sleep blankets (all the ones we had from Reilly are winter so too hot). I pulled out all the 0-3 month onesies last night and will wash them today. We have a bunch, so we are set on 0-3 onesies. Everything in 3-6 is pink though ;) So we'll see if we can use them or not!!!
My birthday was a great day...Reilly woke up at 4:30 and was super cranky, but Rich took over after a while and let me sleep in a little. Of course with all the birthday well wishers calling me thinking of course I'd be up early, I really didn't get much sleep. So I got up and we went to the Elmwood Park Zoo; Reilly loved the animals! She took her first pony ride and was such a brave girl. Then we went to Chili's for lunch, and got home for a nice long 3 hour nap (for me). Then we headed out to play at the neighbors who were having BBQ and Reilly had a blast with all the kids until the guys started setting off fireworks! I had gone into the garage to get ice pops for all the kids, and Reilly was sitting with Brianna, who babysits her sometimes, and all of a sudden Rich heard her screaming. She was FREAKING out beacsue of the booms of the little fireworks. He ran out to get her and the poor thing was shaking like a leaf! It took him a bout 10 minutes to calm her down and get her settled, and then we were able to feed her dinner. Poor girlie!!!
Then I kept her busy with an ice cream cone (messy!) while Rich cooked an awesome dinner for us...steaks, corn, fries, and salad. Then HE cleaned up so I could relax, he gave Reilly a bath and put her to bed so I could go socialize with the neighbors for a bit. So relaxing!!! Not to mention the AMAZING cards and birthday gift I woke up to. Dolce & Gabbana subglasses :) I NEVER would have bought them for myself (at least again, long story) but he spoils me. I love them! I also forgot to mention that he cleaned the entire house on Thursday so the house has been clean all weekend...AND he made me get a cleaning lady again so she starts Thursday, just to help for a month or two while we get adjusted. Have I mentioned I have the best husband in the whole world ;)
Today we are going swingset shopping and to a birthday party for Adrianna, Reilly's special friend :) Should be another fun day...wish me labor vibes- you never know!! Since I didn't have my camera yesterday, here are some pics of Reilly the last time she went to the Zoo. She was so little!!!! I also added 2 pics from last Fourth of July weekend- one year ago!! Enjoy...

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