We've made some progress this week! We bought a crib (thanks Grammy :), a mattress, a double stroller, a new bathtub, another diaper champ for the nursery, some pacifiers and BPA free bottles, oh and nursing pads (very critical). I have yet to do a load of laundry, but the goal by the end of the weekend is nursery cleaned out, furniture picked up, baby clothes washed, and hospital bag packed. So I am feeling better about baby's arrival.
I had my first internal exam, and you guessed it, nothing going on. Dilated about a fingertip and he said, see you next week and probably the week after that. Poor me. So we are looking at about another 8 1/2 pounder according to the doc, so I think I am going to hold off on washing any newborn size clothes this time!! Not gonna fit! I am feeling okay, just some contractions at night and getting tougher and tougher to chase her, but I didn't gain any weight between my last appointments so that's great. Send some labor vibes please :)
Here are some pics from Father's Day, motrin allowed us enough time to go to lunch and a local dairy farm before the misery set in again :)
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