Reilly has a memory that gets me every day. She gets a name in her head, that name goes with a certain type of person, and then anyone that even semi-resembles them somehow is them. Example, at the pool last week, any girl with white blonde hair was "Ellie". Now Ellie is a little girl in our neighborhood who Reilly has only played with once and met on 2 occasions. How does she remember Ellie and her white blonde hair so much? I have no clue. Neither do all the little girls at the pool with white blonde hair who Reilly chased after screaming "Ellie!!! Waaaiiitttt! Stop!!!! and holding her hand up like she expected them to stop (this is her favorite move when chasing people by the way). Then she chased a ten year old girl into the deep end of the pool thinking it was her cousin Kennedy. Yesterday, the woman in the car next to us with short blondish hair was "Grammy", luckily "Grammy" couldn't be chased, but Reilly yelled "Wait!" at her for a good 2 blocks. Then IN the mall, every guy between the age of 15 and 35 with dark hair was "Jon", also known as her Uncle Jon. I know Jon is a popular name and all, but I don't think any of these guys were named Jon, and they weren't turning around as she high-tailed it after them again screaming Wait! Stop! Jon! through half the mall. It is honestly the funniest thing I have ever seen, and I have to just laugh. Probably even funnier for the other mallgoers to watch an almost 9 month preggo woman chasing a crazy screaming toddler with her hands out through the mall. Priceless!
I also have to say that at one point I believe she was yelling Wait! and Stop! in spanish. The problem is I don't speak spanish, so I can't be sure. She definitely learned this move on Dora the Explorer (the addiction that rules her world), as she does everything not to taught to her by us or family/friends. We were in a shop, I took my bag and said "thank you" to the cashier, Reilly looked at her and said "Gracias! Bye bye!". I just lost it, as did the cashier. I know we don't look like spanish would be our "2nd language", so it was comical. I learned of her spanish speaking skills a few weeks ago when I caught her roaming around counting in spanish. She only knew a few numbers, but she and Daddy practice counting every night in English and Spanish so now she can count to ten. She also knows the word for Grandma in spanish, Abuela (no clue now to spell it), and since she has a current "Grandma" obsession that word is used alot. I think she loves the Grandma on Caillou, and any woman who looks like the Grandma on Calliou MUST be called Grandma. It is very embarassing when she chases after 35 year old women who may look a bit older and calling them Grandma, when clearly they are not. But luckily they don't know what she is saying ;) It is adorable when my neighbors Mom drives up the street, she knows their car, and she really IS a Grandma, so she loves it that Reilly is already yelling Grandma at her before she even gets out of the car.
But really the best part of the day is just watching her learn. She walked around that mall, pointing to every single thing she knew the word for and saying it "tree", "light", "baby owen (every baby is baby owen)", etc...I am constantly astounded that she knows the words for things I had no idea she knew. And then when we come home and she looks at me and says "bed"..."lamby, piggy, giraffe, fan (hahaha she has a fan in her room now), and then goes right to sleep without a fuss, it just makes my heart melt. I am so proud of this kid and the one hundred times a day she says "thank you" or "welcome", or "bless you". And watching her little face light up when she sees Daddy come home is just about the sweetest thing on earth.
But really the sweetest sweetest thing on earth was after putting her to bed last night while Rich was mowing the lawn and cleaning up the toyfest out front, seeing him bent over the driveway, with a big pink chalk and drawing her a picture and writing her name so she would see it today. :) I have no pictures downloaded today so I'll just share one of daddy and Reilly that I love...

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