We really can't believe a new baby will be here in less than 2 months. We REALLY can't believe it because we have done nothing to prepare. Aside from a few onesies and a pair of pajamas, we haven't purchased anything. I guess that's the beauty of having 2 kids so close together. We really don't need anything! The nursery is painted, and almost cleaned out (working on that)...the crib and double stroller are picked out but not yet bought, and the list of everything that needs to be done is in process. I have my 34 week OB appointment today and am curious to hear what the doc has to say about next steps. I figure by 36 weeks I'll have the bag packed, the carseat ready, and we'll start pulling out Reilly's baby clothes and getting them washed. It just seems so much easier this time around, like we are pros, and neither Rich or I are stressed about it. Just knowing the sleepless nights are around the corner is a little unsettling. And looking at Reilly's little face and wondering how she will share Mommy and Daddy is a wonder. I am so curious to see how she will react! I think she'll be a great big sister :)
I am feeling pretty good despite sleeping getting to be more of a challenge. Reilly gives me a run for my money- I am constantly chasing her when we are outside, so hopefully I'll be in better shape for labor than last time! I have gained less weight and started out 20 pounds lighter this time, so that is helping. The little one is very active and I feel like we'll have a big baby again- just a gut- I don't think we make small kids! Just for a reminder here is what Reilly looked like the day she was born...not so tiny!!! And then today...amazing how quickly they grow up- 18 months already!!

I am feeling pretty good despite sleeping getting to be more of a challenge. Reilly gives me a run for my money- I am constantly chasing her when we are outside, so hopefully I'll be in better shape for labor than last time! I have gained less weight and started out 20 pounds lighter this time, so that is helping. The little one is very active and I feel like we'll have a big baby again- just a gut- I don't think we make small kids! Just for a reminder here is what Reilly looked like the day she was born...not so tiny!!! And then today...amazing how quickly they grow up- 18 months already!!

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